Logistics problems and trends of its development in Eurasian countries

Ural State University of Economics hosted an international scientific and practical conference “Consumer Market of Eurasia: Current State, Theory and Practice under Eurasian Economic Union and WTO”. The event was organized by the USUE Institute of Trade, Food Technologies and Service.

  The conference was attended by representatives of the scientific community, business and administrative agencies, master’s and postgraduate students from Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk region, as well as from Tajikistan, Serbia, and Kazakhstan. They made presentations, discussed hot issues of quality and safety of goods, competitiveness and logistics of goods distribution in the consumer market, and worked out scientific and practical recommendations for problem-solving in this area.

 At the end of the plenary session, the conference split into two thematic sections. They were held as the roundtables, which discussed trends and prospects for the development of domestic and foreign trade in Russia, modern theory and practice of logistics management, quality, safety and competitiveness of consumer goods, and innovative technologies in production.

Ural State University of Economics hosted an international scientific and practical conference “Consumer Market of Eurasia: Current State, Theory and Practice under Eurasian Economic Union and WTO”. The event was organized by the USUE Institute of Trade, Food Technologies and Service.

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