Issues of interaction between public and private law in the regulation of economic relations

Ural State University of  Economics hosted the international scientific and practical conference "Issues of Interaction between Public and Private Law in the Regulation of Economic Relations". The event was held by Ural State University of Economics with the support of the Ural Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Participants in the discussion were members and officials of the legal scientific and educational community, law enforcement agencies, public associations, and business entities, including those from foreign countries.

The keynote speech at the plenary meeting was delivered by the USUE Rector Yakov Silin.

Among its participants were representatives of USUE and other universities, including the Institute of Law and Entrepreneurship and Yanka Kupala Grodno State University. At the conference, Gafur Mansurov delivered a report "Convergence of Private and Public Law in the Sphere of Economic Relations".

Besides, there were several roundtables where professors and associate professors of USUE, Ural State Law Academy, and other universities, as well as members of the Sverdlovsk  Regional  Guild  of  Attorneys presented their reports.


Ural State University of Economics hosted the international scientific and practical conference "Issues of Interaction between Public and Private Law in the Regulation of Economic Relations". The event was held by Ural State University of Economics with the support of the Ural Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

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