For the third time in a row, Ural State University of Economics has become the venue for the annual international conference “The Female Face of Migration. The Positive Role of Migrant Women” organized by Kyrgyzstan - Ural public organization of the Kyrgyz diaspora in the Sverdlovsk Region and supported by the Consulate General of the Kyrgyz Republic in Yekaterinburg.

Representatives of state authorities, expert community, and public diaspora organizations exchanged views and made reports, in which they looked into challenging issues of migration. The conference included two plenary sessions - “New challenges and opportunities for women in the context of migration. A change of stereotypes" and "Generational bridge. The fate of migrant women: yesterday, today, and tomorrow” - and a presentation “Portraits of successful migrant women in Yekaterinburg.”

Following the third international conference “The Female Face of Migration. The Positive Role of Migrant Women,” a list of suggestions will be drawn up for national and municipal authorities, diaspora organizations, and immediate participants in the migration process.

For the third time in a row, Ural State University of Economics has become the venue for the annual international conference “The Female Face of Migration. The Positive Role of Migrant Women” organized by Kyrgyzstan - Ural public organization of the Kyrgyz diaspora in the Sverdlovsk Region and supported by the Consulate General of the Kyrgyz Republic in Yekaterinburg.

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