Projects of graduates of the chess art and computer mathdepartment will be implemented at major enterprises

We congratulate the graduates of the USUE Department of Chess Art and Computer Mathematics on completing their studies and defending their diploma projects! 21 USUE students became bachelors in information systems software and administration.

This week, the students are defending their graduation theses: these are various practical projects for corporate website building, interactive tutorials, service applications, VPN servers, and others. Out of the first eight successfully defended, seven students got high grades (5) and only one got a good grade (4). The state examination commission included representatives of OOO Oktonika, OOO Systems of Modern Communications, and SKB Kontur.

The Department of Chess Art and Computer Mathematics, chaired by the twelfth world chess champion Anatoly Karpov, was established in 2019 based on the Applied Mathematics Department. The formation of logical, analytical, and strategic thinking is an integral part of student training.

We congratulate the graduates of the USUE Department of Chess Art and Computer Mathematics on completing their studies and defending their diploma projects! 21 USUE students became bachelors in information systems software and administration.

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