EU Programs at USUE

The information session of the Erasmus + National Office (NEO), dedicated to the new round of applications for 2020, was held on October 29 at Moscow State Pedagogical University. The event was attended by the Erasmus + project coordinator, associate professor of the Department of State and Municipal Administration of USUE Marina Vidrevich.
The session opened with a speech by Boris Zhelezov, Deputy Director Of the Department of international cooperation of the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation. He spoke about the importance of Erasmus+ projects for Russian education.
Next week, at the invitation of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, rectors of 30 leading British universities come to Moscow. They are interested in getting acquainted with the university education of Russia firsthand.

The NEO information session was devoted to the rules and requirements for applications for Erasmus + programs in 2020, which is important for the development of international relations, for each participant in the program, in particular, the Ural State University of Economics.

Now USUE is participating in the bidding round of 2020. At the information session at the Moscow State Pedagogical University, the participants were told about national priorities, about the competitions of the Erasmus + program, which has changed compared to last year.

Russia and Ural State Economic University in particular, were able to fill out applications for the Capacity Building contest. (Capacity Building for Higher Education) Capacity Building is a prestigious competition with the largest budget. By participating in Capacity Building, the consortium can receive up to a million euros, which must be spent over the next three years.

Without European partners, USUE can apply for the Jean Monnet contest, aimed at expanding knowledge of European integration processes related to research, history, politics, economics and European Union legislation, which involves the use of European experience and approaches in Russia in various fields of activity, and also acquaintance with the educational system in European universities.

It is worth recalling that back in 2017, Ural State Economic University won three grants of Erasmus + as part of a consortium of universities. In the course of the project, USUE gets enormous experience in the field of teacher training for teachers. Work on the grant will continue until the end of 2020. Also, together with the University of the city of Danubevaros (Hungary), Ural State Economic University received a grant from Erasmus + Mobility. Lecturers of USUE gave lectures there, now three students of our university are training in Hungary. In the past semester, a student at USUU also studied there. Teachers from Hungary will give a course of lectures for students of USUE and will take part in EEUF (Eurasian Economic Youth Forum) in April 2020.?

The information session of the Erasmus + National Office (NEO), dedicated to the new round of applications for 2020, was held on October 29 at Moscow State Pedagogical University. The event was attended by the Erasmus + project coordinator, associate professor of the Department of State and Municipal Administration of USUE Marina Vidrevich.

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