Counteraction to the ideology of terrorism

A veteran of the elite FSB forces "Alfa" Sergei Pavlenko met with USUE students and talked about countering the ideology of terrorism and extremism.

"We created the Ural Association of Centers for the Prevention of Extremism and Counteraction to the Ideology of Terrorism. We travel around the region, communicate with students and schoolchildren, speak at universities and colleges, and deliver lectures. We tell students about terrorism and extremism, the ways to fight them, and how to understand that you are tried to enlist in a terrorist organization," Sergey Alexandrovich said.

According to him, it is important to tell young people about terrorism for the purpose of prevention. "The pressure in society is great, everyone can take a wrong path, and we must not allow this. It is necessary to tell young people at the right time that terrorism is evil, that terrorists have no face, no soul, no homeland, they have nothing," Sergei Pavlenko said.

"In their activities, terrorists pursue political goals," added Sergei Voronin,  an adviser to the USUE rector, Hero of the Russian Federation. - In what way they will reach them, this is their vision. And when they say that an organized group has come together to help people, one should not believe this. 2-3 persons can never be organized so as to overthrow the state power."

At the end of the meeting, the speakers gave instruction to the young - to do as many good actions as possible, "Kind people are always strong people. We wish you to be strong in spirit and, if necessary, help the weak and give a helping hand to those who need it."

A veteran of the elite FSB forces "Alfa" Sergei Pavlenko met with USUE students and talked about countering the ideology of terrorism and extremism.

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