Prove the level of your soft skills 

Today, employers impose high requirements not only on the professional competencies of their employees. They also consider personal qualities: stress resistance, ability to work in a team, follow algorithms, plan one’s time, and other soft skills. To build a successful career, students may have their soft skills diagnosed and improved at the USUE Competence Center.

The Competence Center has been operating at Ural State University of Economics since 2021. This is a project of the presidential platform “Russia - a Land of Opportunities”, where students, including international ones, may evaluate their universal competencies (soft skills), and then work on them as part of an individual development trajectory with the help of specialists and teachers of the Center.

One can test soft skills separately and receive a Competence Passport without further training. If your soft skills are already sufficiently developed, this passport will prove it to your employer.

However, if there is something to work on, the Competence Center will help with this. Training lasts from a month to six months, depending on how many skills you need to improve.

As of today, about 1800 students have registered and went through diagnostics at the USUE Competence Center. Over 700 people decided to improve their level of competencies and soft skills.

In addition, since September 1, 2022, a new educational program - Fundamentals of Career Management has been introduced into the curriculum of all first-year students, which includes the assessment and development of soft skills, such as analysis of verbal messages and numerical data, stress resistance, emotional intelligence, communication skills, partnership / cooperation, etc.

To get your Passport of Competence and improve soft skills, any USUE student, including a foreign citizen, can apply to room 151 (USUE Multimedia) on weekdays from 9 am to 6 pm. If you came to Russia both to study and to work, a document proving the level of your universal skills will be handy for you. As such, well-developed soft skills will be useful for employment in any country.

You can apply remotely by mail: Training is free!​

Undergo diagnostics of your soft skills at USUE and improve them

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