Youth development diplomacy was discussed in Dushanbe

February 21, an international roundtable "Youth diplomacy of Russia and Tajikistan: education, history and culture" was held.

The organizers of the discussion were the Eurasian Commonwealth Foundation for Social and Economic Development and the Tajik Technical University named after M.S. Osimi.

Welcoming the audience, the Secretary of the Russian Embassy in the Republic of Tajikistan Alexei Golovin and the head of the Rossotrudnichestvo office  Mikhail Vozhdaev noted that today in the context of Eurasian integration the role of youth diplomacy was important for the formation of a balanced, future-oriented youth policy for our countries: "Young people should themselves influence significant political processes, determine the state policy towards youth, and develop international cooperation".

The main idea of ??the speech delivered by the president of the Eurasian Commonwealth Foundation Victor Katochkov, who represented Chelyabinsk, was that “... in the current conditions, the cultural interaction between Russia and Tajikistan is extremely important. The language of culture is accessible and understandable without any translation. The dialogue of national cultures and civilizations, along with the strengthening of bilateral relations, is of particular importance for the rapprochement of the peoples of our countries. "

Tajikistan is one of the world's recognized cultural pearls of the East, so the question is how to form a cultural continuity of generations, to tell about the great cultural past of the country to young Tajiks, Russians, and residents of neighboring countries. An activist of the youth student movement "Eurasian Express" in Tajikistan Gandzhina Atobekova drew the attention of the audience to the fact that "... the culture of the Tajiks is unique and requires careful preservation. Tajiks made a significant contribution to the spiritual treasury of the world and gave humanity many outstanding scientists, philosophers, writers, poets, and architects. All these should be thoughtfully studied by young people, and opened by the state for learning to the peoples of other countries. "

In today's Tajikistan, there is a particularly reverent attitude to the events of the Great Patriotic War and the fate of veterans. In February, the 75th anniversary of the victory in the Battle of Stalingrad is celebrated. "We must remember this and be proud of our grandfathers," Dilovar Gulov, an activist of the student youth movement "Eurasian Express: Russia - Tajikistan - Kazakhstan", said. He talked about the heroic soldiers and workers of the home front from Tajikistan, stressing, "hundreds of Tajiks beset military commissariats asking to send them to the front as volunteers. Two battle cavalry divisions from Tajikistan took part in the Battle of Stalingrad. "

Participants in the discussion agreed that creating conditions for creative development and quality education for young people was a full-fledged direction of social policy and an important state priority not only for Russia and Tajikistan but also for all the developed countries of the world. By efforts of youth diplomacy, we could address many challenges and strengthen mutual understanding between the peoples of Russia and Tajikistan. However, youth diplomacy should be organized systematically; its tasks require comprehensive analysis and identification of the mechanisms for a possible solution. The key role in organizing this work should be played by the youth themselves.

February 21, an international roundtable "Youth diplomacy of Russia and Tajikistan: education, history and culture" was held.

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