Registration for the XII EEYF is open!

On the official website of the XII Eurasian Economic Youth Forum, organized by Ural State University of Economics, registration is open for all interested people to join the brightest youth economic event.

In 2022, the Forum will be held from April 26 to 29 in a combined face-to-face and online format. The opening ceremony and the main part of the events will take place at USUE, and, for the first time, the plenary session, the festival of cultures "Around the World," and the gala concert dedicated to the opening will be taken outside the university - to the Yekaterinburg-EXPO site. Registered participants and speakers will access USUE cloud resources based on the MS Office 365 platform and connect to interactive sessions through commands created in Microsoft Teams.   


The XII EEYF will include the work of six thematic congresses: Congress of Economists, Congress of Innovators, Congress of Financiers, Congress of Entrepreneurship and Engineering, Congress of Governance and Law, Congress of Strategists, and Congress of Schoolchildren. For the congresses, 45 competitions have been prepared, in which schoolchildren, undergraduates, Master’s students, and young scientists from all over the world will take part. One can participate in several competitions at the same time.

There is no participation fee for the Eurasian Youth Economic Forum.



On the official website of the XII Eurasian Economic Youth Forum, organized by Ural State University of Economics, registration is open for all interested people to join the brightest youth economic event.

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