USUE Rector and faculty members took part in the meeting of the Council for Strategic Development of Yekaterinburg until 2030

February 1, USUE Rector Yakov Silin and members of the USUE Council of Young Scientists Olga Ergunova, Ivan Antipin, Ekaterina Kaibicheva, and Alisa Titovets took part in the meeting of the Council for Strategic Development of Yekaterinburg. At the meeting of the Council, the revised draft of the Strategic Plan for Yekaterinburg Development until 2030 was considered.

The officials of the City Administration told about the conceptual foundations of the Strategic Development Plan of Yekaterinburg. Then, officials of regional and federal authorities, leaders of satellite towns, business figures, scientists, and members of the public discussed the prospects for the development and modernization of housing and communal services, commodity market, development of a balanced transport system, preservation and development of the city human potential, and many other issues.

Natalia Vlasova, professor at the USUE Department of Public and Municipal Administration, delivered an expert report on the revised draft of the Strategic Plan for Yekaterinburg Development until 2030.

The strategic development plan of Yekaterinburg is a unique document, the structure and content of which represent a logical and consistent implementation of strategic directions and the solution of strategic tasks. The revised version of the strategy defines seven main directions of the city's development, which are divided into strategic programs and strategic projects, and has a new section "The Strategy of Spatial Development". Such a structure of the Strategic Plan allows providing a comprehensive and balanced approach to the development of social, economic, housing and communal, transport, environmental spheres, as well as their balanced spatial development.

You can find the revised draft of the Strategic Plan for Yekaterinburg Development until 2030 on the official portal of Yekaterinburg.

February 1, USUE Rector Yakov Silin and members of the USUE Council of Young Scientists Olga Ergunova, Ivan Antipin, Ekaterina Kaibicheva, and Alisa Titovets took part in the meeting of the Council for Strategic Development of Yekaterinburg. At the meeting of the Council, the revised draft of the Strategic Plan for Yekaterinburg Development until 2030 was considered.

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