Rector of Tajik Institute of Entrepreneurship and Service visited USUE

Rector of the Tajik Institute of Entrepreneurship and Service Dilovar Kodirzoda met with USUE Rector Yakov Silin, USUE Vice-Rector for Social Work Roman Krasnov, director of the Institute of Continuing Education (ICE) Ekaterina Yalunina and deputy director of the ICE Petr Novozhilov. The meeting discussed the possibility of cooperation between universities.

During the communication, Dilovar Kodirzoda expressed the desire of the Tajik diaspora to receive education in Russian universities: "it is very difficult to live without cooperation and help to each other. We have common problems, together we can solve them faster. I know that much attention is paid in your university to the number of foreign students. Our diaspora is interested in receiving education here, our students have a great desire to study at Russian universities. I would like we could start cooperation in this direction."

During the conversation, the rector of Tajik Institute invited USUE to take part in the Week of Russian education held by the Institute together with the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tajikistan.

Yakov Silin expressed readiness to cooperate with the Tajik Institute: "We can organize our cooperation through an agreement prescribing specific steps. Your students can come to us to study bachelor’s, master’s and postgraduate programs. Besides, we can arrange joint publications, write monographs and scientific articles."

Today students from 32 countries of the world study at USUE. Currently, USUE has 109 agreements on international cooperation with foreign institutions. Inter-university agreements have been signed and are being implemented with educational institutions of 29 countries, including universities in Kazakhstan, Germany, France, China, South Korea, Belarus and other countries.

26 октября Уральский государственный экономический университет принимал высокого гостя. Ректор Таджикского института предпринимательства и сервиса Диловар Кодирзода встретился с ректором УрГЭУ Яковом Силиным, проректором по социальной работе УрГЭУ Романом Красновым, директором Института непрерывного образования (ИНО) Екатериной Ялуниной и заместителем директора ИНО Петром Новожиловым. На встрече обсуждалась возможность сотрудничества вузов.

Пресс-служба УрГЭУ

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