USUE Rector received a gratitude from the management of the Sinara Pipe Plant

Director for Human Resources Management of PJSC "Sinara Pipe Plant" Denis Nesterov sent a letter of thanks to the USUE Rector Yakov Silin for organizing a high-quality training for specialists of the enterprise.

The cooperation between the University and the plant is of a strategic nature and is based on joint implementation of plans to provide the enterprise with highly qualified personnel.

USUE is actively integrated into the economic life of the region. For this purpose, the practical orientation of education is being improved: students undergo several internships, which makes us see which programs to change, how to improve the organization of training. Agreements on cooperation with a number of industrial enterprises have already been signed, and basic departments are being created. Based on the key needs of enterprises, the University sets up unique educational programs.

Director for Human Resources Management of PJSC "Sinara Pipe Plant" Denis Nesterov sent a letter of thanks to the USUE Rector Yakov Silin for organizing a high-quality training for specialists of the enterprise.

Пресс-служба УрГЭУ

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