Rector of USUU Yakov Silin met with representatives of foreign consulates

At Ural State University of Economics, USUE rector Yakov Silin met with representatives of diplomatic missions of Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan located in Yekaterinburg. The event was also attended by USUE Vice-Rector for Social Work Roman Krasnov. The meeting was dedicated to the switching students to e-learning in connection with the epidemiological situation of coronavirus. 

Yakov Silin informed the audience on the measures taken by the University management and administration to shield from a new coronavirus infection and stated that all the University’s life-supporting systems were operating as usual.   
 Since March 23, students have completely switched to e-learning using distance online technologies. For the increased load, the University acquired additional equipment and software. The staff is trained to work using new technologies.

“For us, these are not new forms of training,” the rector said. “For almost 15 years, the University has been practicing full-time training for bachelor’s degree students using distance technologies, as well as for students in additional professional education and retraining courses. Now, just the scale of this form of training is changing. If earlier 5 thousand students were trained through these technologies, now it is necessary to switch 15 thousand to online learning.” The rector announced the number of students from neighboring countries, currently studying at the University and remaining to live in dormitories:
- Azerbaijan - 17 
 - Kazakhstan - 142 
 - Kyrgyzstan - 18 
 - Tajikistan - 59 
 - Uzbekistan - 528

 The rector also told officials of diplomatic consulates about the preparedness of computer classrooms in dormitories for distance learning. 
We would like to remind that students have the opportunity to listen online to lectures, to send assignments, to use the literature of the electronic library and various teaching aids available on the website of the University, its institutes, and departments.

 In turn, the officials of the consulates thanked USUE rector Yakov Silin for attention to their compatriots and their support at a difficult moment and confirmed their readiness for constant dialogue. Besides, they were interested in students’ performance, mechanisms of paying for tuition, and making up of missed assignments.  
During the conversation, Yakov Silin emphasized that he was ready to take into account all the recommendations and suggestions on the organization of training and accommodation for foreign students that would be offered by the diplomatic departments of the Ural.

At Ural State University of Economics, USUE rector Yakov Silin met with representatives of diplomatic missions of Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan located in Yekaterinburg. The event was also attended by USUE Vice-Rector for Social Work Roman Krasnov. The meeting was dedicated to the switching students to e-learning in connection with the epidemiological situation of coronavirus.

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