USUE Rector Yakov Silin spoke about the preparations for Eurasian Economic Youth Forum - 2022

In April 2022, Eurasian Economic Youth Forum will be held at Ural State University of Economics for the twelfth time. USUE Rector Yakov Silin spoke about the preparations for the upcoming event.

Next year, XII EEYF will expand its borders. The interest of economic universities of Europe and CIS countries in the youth forum has reached such a scale when universities from different countries expressed a desire to become not only co-organizers of the forum but also to set an extra EEYF siteы in their territories. Thus, the sites will represent both their interests and interests of each other. One will have an opportunity to participate in competitions not only at USUE but also in competitions announced by other universities. More sites will allow not limiting the registration of participants and will enable students to express and realize themselves in different countries, regions, and universities.

In April 2022, Eurasian Economic Youth Forum will be held at Ural State University of Economics for the twelfth time. USUE Rector Yakov Silin spoke about the preparations for the upcoming event.

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