Rector of South Ural State University congratulated USUE on its anniversary

SUSU is a long-time friend and partner of USUE. Today, an official of the Chelyabinsk university Viktor Katochkov came to personally congratulate Rector Yakov Silin on the 50th anniversary of the University.

"Your university has passed a long way from the Sverdlovsk Institute of National Economy to one of the leading economic universities in the Ural region with a multidisciplinary research and training complex, highly developed infrastructure, and modern facilities and technical equipment. I wish you every success in further development and enhancement of the Russian higher education traditions, welfare, prosperity, and creative achievements," the congratulation said.

It is worth noting that Ural State University of Economics and South Ural State University have proved themselves to be the leading scientific and educational centers of the Urals in the field of finance, management, and marketing. May 10, 2017, by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, on the basis of USUE and SUSU, a joint Dissertation Council was established.

ЮУрГУ — давний друг и партнер УрГЭУ. Сегодня представитель челябинского вуза Виктор Каточков приехал поздравить ректора Якова Силина с 50-летием университета.

Пресс-служба УрГЭУ

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