Half a century of the University history: RKKA is 100 years old

USUE Museum section «Half a Century of the University History». Every Friday we will exhibit photos from our archive, where you could see the life of the University and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the past. If you found out yourself or your friends in these photos, please write to us to museum@usue.ru

The day of the creation of the Russian Workers' and Peasants' Red Army (RKKA in Russian) is usually considered to be February 23, 1918. It was on this day a hundred years ago when a mass volunteering into military detachments began. The military elite training center in the young Soviet Republic was the General Staff Academy (successor to the Imperial Nicholas Military Academy). In spring 1918, the General Staff Academy was evacuated from Petrograd to Yekaterinburg and placed in the building of the Yekaterinburg Theological School, now one of the corps of Ural State University of Economics

Photo: USUE Museum

USUE Museum section «Half a Century of the University History». Every Friday we will exhibit photos from our archive, where you could see the life of the University and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the past. If you found out yourself or your friends in these photos, please write to us to museum@usue.ru

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