USUE began the calendar year 2021 with an Open Day, where it presented all levels of education at the University, including secondary professional education at the USUE College and recently launched specialist’s degree programs in Forensic Science with Economic Analysis specialty.
Starting the Open Day, USUE Rector Yakov Silin commended those who came in person and online applicants for their giving thought at the beginning of the year to where to study next and which path to choose.
Talking about the main areas of training, the director of the USUE College Alexei Chechulin drew attention to the involvement of students in public life: every month, the University hosts different events, meetings with interesting people, flashmobs, and activities at many arts groups and sports clubs. Natalya Bylinina, Deputy Head of the USUE Department for Admission and Pre-University Training, described in detail the procedure for admission to the College, which had also undergone changes this year, including in connection with the Covid-19 pandemic. 
USUE Rector Yakov Silin emphasized that everyone who planned to apply based on the USE results should decide on the number and set of exams that, this summer, would determine the opportunity of admission to certain areas of training: “Please take heed of our recommendations: if you sit for 
four USEs, your chances to enter university increases significantly, so it's worth working hard to take four exams."

USUE began the calendar year 2021 with an Open Day, where it presented all levels of education at the University, including secondary professional education at the USUE College and recently launched specialist’s degree programs in Forensic Science with Economic Analysis specialty.

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