With respect to language and culture

Ural State University of Economics hosted a meeting of vice-rectors for international activities of Yekaterinburg universities, where they discussed the issues of adaptation of international students.

Representatives of USUE, USLU, UrFU, and USFTU, Presidential Academy, and other universities, as well as employees of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Sverdlovsk region and the Ministry of International and Foreign Economic Relations of the Sverdlovsk region, attended the meeting.

The meeting was opened by Roman Krasnov, USUE Vice-Rector for Social Work and Youth Policy of, Chair of the Council of Vice-Rectors for International Activities of Universities of the Ural Federal District. He noted that today about three thousand students from 69 countries are studying at USUE, and comprehensive work is being carried out with each of them. The university immerses a foreign student in the sociocultural environment of Russia, introduces him/her to the legislation of our country and norms of behavior, and pays attention to their attitude to studies.

“To prevent conflicts on interethnic grounds, each educational institution should work with a foreign student in such a way that he/she would respects the culture, faith and traditions of different countries,” Roman Krasnov said.

A university is a place where students of different nationalities and different cultures meet. Therefore, it is important to establish both professional and intercultural interaction between them. For this purpose, among other things, various forums, conferences and exhibitions are held, where both Russian and foreign students are welcome.

Acting Minister of International and Foreign Economic Relations of the Sverdlovsk region, Lyudmila Berg, informed the Council members about holding the II International Women’s Forum “Strong Family - the Foundation of the State” on June 1, 2024 and INNOPROM International Industrial Exhibition in July. She invited international students and university representatives to take part in these events.

For universities which train international students, there is another important issue. It arises when a student comes to Russia not to study, but to work. Following his/her expulsion from the university, additional difficulties arise in monitoring migration processes and compliance with migration legislation, so universities should pay close attention to such students.

According to deputy head of the Directorate for Migration at the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Sverdlovsk region, Alexey Klubnikin, today issues related to the stay of migrants in Russia are especially hot. Therefore, any information about violations of Russian legislation by foreign citizens causes a negative reaction from the population and media.

Following the meeting, its participants developed an adaptation strategy for international students. Successful adaptation implies not only mastering a new culture and the Russian language but also adaptation to academic requirements and the specifics of studying at a university. An important role in this is played by pedagogical assistance, cultural education of foreigners, confidence-building and cooperation, as well as social support.

USUE is working on an adaptation strategy for international students

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