Prof. Olga Chugunova, Doctor of Technical Sciences, the chair of USUE institute of Trade and Food Technologies and Vice-President of the Association of Culinary and Restaurateurs of the Sverdlovsk region, tells about the peculiarities of distance learning of future restaurateurs and foodservice technologists. 


- Are there any differences in conducting workshops for students pursuing undergraduate and graduate programs?

- There are probably no significant differences in the methodology for conducting laboratory, practical, and seminar classes. The difference is in the nature of training: a master's program involves obtaining more in-depth knowledge and skills in a narrow field and prepares a student for research activities.

As a result of mastering a specialization, Master’s students learn the basics of effective restaurant business organization, the peculiarities of culinary and confectionery production, master the basics of designing catering enterprises, learn to maintain regulatory and technical documentation, and get acquainted with the methods and means of testing and quality control of raw materials and finished products and with modern information technology. 


- At what enterprises do students undergo practical training? Does this help in their further employment?

- Students acquire the skills of organizing and managing the restaurant business and designing public catering enterprises during internships at enterprises that are permanent strategic partners and employers of our Department: the Association of Culinary and Restaurateurs of Sverdlovsk region, LLC Group of Companies PRO, LLC Cateringburg, LLC Comfort, LLC Justa Group, and LLC Pro Pitanye. Bachelor's graduates work for large and chain catering outlets, they design and organize work at factory kitchens using new technologies (Cook & chill and cook & serve). Master’s degree graduates professionally realize themselves occupying leading positions in food industry, at design companies, research institutions, and public agencies. They can be directors, production managers, technologists, and chief engineers of dynamically developing catering enterprises. The advantages of the profession are employability and a combination of production, development, and research activities.  



Prof. Olga Chugunova, Doctor of Technical Sciences, the chair of USUE institute of Trade and Food Technologies and Vice-President of the Association of Culinary and Restaurateurs of the Sverdlovsk region, tells about the peculiarities of distance learning of future restaurateurs and foodservice technologists.

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