Eurasian Economic Youth Forum, the largest in number of participants, will be held at USUE from 20 to 22 April

More than 5500 students, schoolchildren, and young researchers have already become registered participants of the forum as well as 212 experts and VIP guests ( among these, there are 26 ambassadors of foreign states and rectors of 36 universities of Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkey, and Belarus).

The participants will attend 6 thematic congresses, 42 research papers contests, 14 of which are new, and public lectures by leading Russian and foreign experts. The events will end with a grand Friendship Ball, symbolizing the unity of all people in the world, regardless of gender, age, and nationality. At the ball, guests of the forum will have a chance to get to know each other better, exchange contacts, and enjoy a show program prepared specially for EEYF.

Due to the current epidemiological situation, the organizers decided to make the most of digital technologies and hold the forum in a combined format - face-to-face and online. The participants and speakers will have access to USUE cloud resources and be able to connect to interactive sessions through commands set in Microsoft Teams, and the participants from the People's Republic of China - through commands set in Zoom.

The idea of ​​organizing EEYF emerged in 2000 aimed at uniting young people from different countries under the auspices of Russian universities. In 2010, the first EEYF - “A Dialogue of Civilizations: Humanization of World Economy” - was held, which brought together 500 participants from 20 countries. The first forum was the debut of the EEYF format: a combination of research contests and applied projects, discussions, and lectures by leading economists and businesspersons. For more than ten years, the Youth Forum has been a platform for establishing international communications. Over its ten-year history, the forum came a long way and became a truly significant event for the city and region.

In 2019, more than 3,500 people from 72 countries of the world and 70 regions of Russia, representatives of 142 universities from all over the world, 462 experts, and more than 500 schoolchildren took part in the jubilee X EEYF - "Russia - Asia - Africa - Latin America: The Economy of Mutual Trust."

More than 5500 students, schoolchildren, and young researchers have already become registered participants of the forum as well as 212 experts and VIP guests ( among these, there are 26 ambassadors of foreign states and rectors of 36 universities of Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkey, and Belarus).

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