«Making a move to bear responsibility»: First Open Regional Chess Festival has started at USUE

The first Open Chess Festival in the Sverdlovsk region — «Ural Chess Festival-2017» for prizes of «SKB-Kontur» has started at USUE. In five tournaments, more than 500 people will compete. The event is planned to become annual.

Chess players from Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Kurgan regions, Perm Krai, Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets autonomous regions, Republics of Khakassia, Adygeya and Crimea, as well as from St. Petersburg and Moscow came to participate in the festival.

Ural Chess Festival-2017 consists of five tournaments. During the two weeks of the festival, there will be chess championships of the Sverdlovsk region among men and women, the stages of the Sverdlovsk region chess cup for boys a girls under 10 and 13 years, tournaments in classical and rapid chess among boys and girls under 19, and simultaneous exhibitions.

At the grand opening of the festival, the Minister of Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Policy of the Sverdlovsk Region Leonid Rapoport congratulated all the participants, «Chess unite people of all ages. Today we are pioneers because this format of sports chess competitions in the Sverdlovsk region is being realized for the first time.» Director of the Sverdlovsk region Youth Policy Department Olga Glatskikh wished the participants to show all their capabilities, to play the way they were taught by teachers and mentors.

Honorary President of the Chess Federation of the Sverdlovsk region Anatoly Sysoev noted the importance of the festival for the development of chess, «Successful players can see what the younger generation is capable of, and who will replace them.» Vice-president of the regional public organization «Chess Federation of the Sverdlovsk region» Albert Stepanyan read greetings and words of welcome from the President of the Russian Chess Federation Andrey Filatov and the 12th world chess champion, a State Duma deputy Anatoly Karpov.

USUE Rector Yakov Silin said that the University is ready to receive any level of competition for all ages, «It’s great that today this sport is mainstreaming in our region. This game promotes logical mindset; helps anticipate and predict risks, and making a move to bear responsibility.»

The representative of the main sponsor of the festival, head of Marketing Department at «SKB Kontur» Maxim Nakhabo explained why the company supported this sport, «Chess is best to describe what we do. Our company does not have machines; the main working tool is smart heads of our employees.»

The judge of the all-Russian category, a FIDE-appointed judge, the main judge of the tournament Pavel Tsiparis congratulated everyone on the beginning of the festival and held a draw.

We would like to remind that late June the USUE Rector Yakov Silin took part in the meeting of Board of Trustees of the Sverdlovsk regional Chess Federation The meeting was held at «SIMA-land» as the head of the company Andrey Simanovskiy previously had been elected the new president of the regional Federation.

Andrey Simanovsky outlined the key line of development of the regional federation: children’s chess. This requires the establishment of grandmaster Anatoly Karpov’s school of chess skills (Anatoly Karpov chairs the Board of Trustees of Sverdlovsk regional Chess Federation). The meeting also discussed the popularization of chess in a student environment. Yakov Silin announced Anatoly Karpov’s proposal to establish the Department of Chess at Ural State University of Economics. Such a department, for example, exists at Samara State Technical University.

USUE supports the development of chess in the Sverdlovsk region. In autumn, Ural State University of Economics will host a children’s chess championship of the Urals Federal District, dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the University.

The first Open Chess Festival in the Sverdlovsk region — «Ural Chess Festival-2017» for prizes of «SKB-Kontur» has started at USUE. In five tournaments, more than 500 people will compete. The event is planned to become annual.

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