Today we need economists: USUE students met with Valentin Sokolovsky

Today, Ural State University of Economics hosted a meeting of students majoring in "Foreign Economic Activity" with Department Director at the Ministry of International and External Economic Relations of the Sverdlovsk region Valentin Sokolovsky.

Valentin Sokolovsky welcomed the students and praised their choice of future profession. During the meeting, he described the work of the ministry, vertical system of power in the economic sphere, distinction of business building in Russia and abroad, as well as activities of large manufacturing enterprises. “Today we need economists: people whose thinking is based not on consumption, but on production," the guest noted.

The students took an active part in the conversation: they asked questions and clarified the reporter’s opinion on economic issues of their concern. The lecturer directed young people, "You will never return to the past. It is necessary to study and work while you have time for this. Go forward, read what you consider important for your future profession. Now it is your time."

Today, Ural State University of Economics hosted a meeting of students majoring in "Foreign Economic Activity" with Department Director at the Ministry of International and External Economic Relations of the Sverdlovsk region Valentin Sokolovsky.

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