Sergey Bodrunov delivered a lecture on a qualitatively new approach to economic development

Within the forum "Ural - the driver of neo-industrial and innovative development of Russia", a briefing was held for the federal media Interfax, Argumenty i Fakty (Arguments and Facts), and Rossiyskaya Gazeta. 

Professor Sergei Bodrunov, President of the Free Economic Society of Russia, President of the International Union of Economists, Director of the S.Y. Witte Institute for New Industrial Development, Doctor of Economics, Expert of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Honorary Doctor of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, USUE Honorary Professor, greeted the participants of the press conference and journalists and addressed words of gratitude to the USUE staff for their contribution to the development of the country economy, Russian science, industry, and Russian industrialization.

Answering a question from journalists, Sergei Bodrunov noted, “Today, in my opinion, the structure of digitalization is changing. The priorities of social development are changing in the new society. The role of Russian science will grow even more sharply, and the future of the economy is shaped by today's students.” When asked by journalists about the requirements for an educational model corresponding to changing economic conditions, the professor emphasized the need to use flexible technologies, based on accessible forms of education, including distance learning, close cooperation with the business community to systematically update scientific knowledge, and personification of educational programs.

At the Forum, Prof. Sergei Bodrunov delivered a public lecture “Noonomics: the essence and mechanism of transition”. Through video communication, the President of the Free Economic Society of Russia told the students about digitalization and a qualitatively new approach to economic development.

The pandemic has given a powerful impetus to the spread of digitalization. For example, in 2020, compared to the previous year, the number of people using video communication in the world increased by 50%. Today, it is impossible to deny the decisive role of technologies in economic development. Apart from that, I would say that today the quantitative growth of the economy is not so much important as its qualitative change, and this requires scientific and technological progress," he said.

The Ural Economic Forum traditionally ends with lectures given by Sergei Bodrunov. USUE is pleased to continue cooperation with the famous expert in economics, the author of several hundred scientific papers. We thank the professor for the interesting classes and look forward to further interaction!

Within the forum "Ural - the driver of neo-industrial and innovative development of Russia", a briefing was held for the federal media Interfax, Argumenty i Fakty (Arguments and Facts), and Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

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