Joint academic programs - education of the future

USUE Vice-rector for Social Work and Youth Policy Roman Krasnov held a working meeting with the head of the Rossotrudnichestvo Representative Office in Tashkent, Mikhail Vozhdaev. They discussed the interaction of universities in Russia and Uzbekistan.

As part of his visit to Uzbekistan, USUE Vice-rector for Social Work and Youth Policy Roman Krasnov met with Mikhail Vozhdaev, head of the Representative Office of the Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots Living Abroad, and International Humanitarian Cooperation (Rossotrudnichestvo).

Roman Krasnov spoke about the joint project of Ural State University of Economics and Tashkent State University of Economics, within which students are trained under bachelor’s program. In July 2022, 129 TSUE students received diplomas of successful completion of the international joint educational program. For four years, in parallel with their studies at their university, they mastered the educational programs of USUE.

Cooperation between the two universities is reaching a new level this year. In spring, delegations from Uzbek universities will take part in the XIII Eurasian Economic Youth Forum to be held in Yekaterinburg. For the first time, TSUE will become one of the 10 venues for the forum, which will attract other Uzbek universities to participate. In spring 2023, TSUE will hold EEYF competitions for students and young scientists studying at the universities of the republic. The winners will go to Ural State University of Economics to participate in the XIII EEYF finals to take place from April 24 to April 28.

The delegation of Samarkand State University will participate in person in the main and competitive programs of EEYF, which was confirmed by the leadership of the university at the meeting held the day before.

Roman Krasnov shared the results of negotiations at SamSU with Mikhail Vozhdaev: the parties agreed to analyze curricula to set a joint academic program in the future.

Apart from that, Krasnov and Vozhdaev discussed the quota enrollment of Uzbek students at USUE. Now USUE is accepting documents for training under the quota of the Government of the Russian Federation for foreign citizens and compatriots living abroad. The candidates qualified will study free of charge at USUE under higher education programs. Krasnov and Vozhdaev noted that Russia and Uzbekistan are planning to further cooperate in education, as USUE is interested in the export of education, and Uzbek universities - in expanding the professional competencies of specialists from the republic.

USUE Vice-rector for Social Work and Youth Policy Roman Krasnov held a working meeting in the Representation Office of Rossotrudnichestvo in Tashkent

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