Chess is an important tool for childrens intellectual development

The round table "The strategy for the development of chess at school and university" has been held in USUE.

 The event was organized by the USUE Department of Chess and Computer Mathematics.The round table moderator was Yuri Melnikov, Acting Head of the USUE Department of Chess and Computer Mathematics.The special expert was Albert Stepanyan, Executive Director of the Chess Federation of the Sverdlovsk region.“We are the sports Chess Federation of the Sverdlovsk region. Our main goal is to train professional athletes, ”concluded Albert Stepanyan.During the discussions, the speakers agreed that chess is an important tool for children's intelligent development, therefore, a learning process should begin as early as possible, while a kid's brain is still flexible.

Margarita Beresneva, a staff member of the Municipal Educational Institution of Lyceum 180 “Poliforum”, made a presentation on the topic: “Chess in training”. She spoke about the project in the Lyceum. Extracurricular courses, additional general developmental programs and methodological development of teachers allow the use of chess art in an educational institution.

The round table "The strategy for the development of chess at school and university" has been held in USUE. The event was organized by the USUE Department of Chess and Computer Mathematics.The round table moderator was Yuri Melnikov, Acting Head of the USUE Department of Chess and Computer Mathematics.

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