Ten out EEYF venues have chosen contests

USUE partner universities are announcing scientific contests that will be held at the international and regional venues of the XIII Eurasian Economic Youth Forum in spring 2023. Nine out of ten universities sounded the contests.

Out of ten regional and international universities-venues of the XIII EEYF, six have already named contests that will be organized for students in their regions. The EEYF organizers have prepared six congresses, which will arrange 44 competitions: the congress of innovators, the congress of entrepreneurs and engineering, the congress of management and law, the congress of economists and financiers, the congress of strategists, and the congress of schoolchildren. Universities-venues of the forum could select any competitions for their participants. St. Petersburg State University of Economics chose 3 competitions, Belarus State Economic University - 2 competitions, Tajik National University - 5 competitions. The M. Ryskulbekov Kyrgyz Economic University announced 6 competitions, Tashkent State University of Economics provides participants with the opportunity to show their abilities in 4 competitions. As for now, Vladivostok State University has announced the largest number of competitions - 8. Moreover, the management of the university has chosen different competitions and young people will present their works within 5 congresses.

Registration of participants for the XIII Eurasian Economic Youth Forum goes on. Within a week, the number of registered contestants, experts, and guests quadrupled. To date, the total number of registered participants, together with invited experts, guests, representatives of delegations from universities and foreign countries, has already exceeded 2,000 people.

It is planned to invite students, master’s students and postgraduates to the venues of the EEYF co-organizing universities. They will take part in the contests offered by the forum. The winners will go to Yekaterinburg for the events to be held as part of the XIII EEYF at USUE. The rest of the participants will be able to attend lectures online.

Please note that the participation in the forum was confirmed by the rectors of universities in Russia and abroad. To date, about 30 universities have announced the participation of their delegates in the events. The territorial coverage of Russian universities in this list is wide: the Far East, Siberia, Ural, the Volga region, the Central and Northwestern districts. Diplomats from fourteen foreign states showed interest in taking part in the forum.

USUE co-organizing universities opened registration for participation in EEYF competitions

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