Procession with flags and thousand-voiced chorus: USUE took part in the celebration of the Day of Russia

Drums, parade military uniform and banners: Yekaterinburg celebrated the Day of Russia. In the festive procession in the center of the city, USUE students marched in a column together with the Youth Army members, Cossacks, and cadets. Along with the flag of the country, young patriots held high the flag of their university. In the events dedicated to the Day of Russia took part the USUE Vice-Rector for social work Roman Krasnov.

«The Day of Russia is a young holiday, and who, if not youth, should support it? I think it is great when you can march in one column and feel overall unity on that day,» Ibrahim Ismayilov, a USUE college student, shared his impressions. 

The patriotic procession ended in the heart of Yekaterinburg - the Historical Square, where the orchestra musicians under the baton of Alexander Pavlov got cozy. For the fourth year in the capital of the Urals, the thousand-voiced choir sang to the accompaniment of the orchestra.

The event «In Chorus We Praise Russia and the City» brought together professional singers and amateurs, experienced soloists and debutants. In total, 50 teams of the city took part in the event. Among the singers was the USUE ensemble «Caprice». The soloists sang 16 well-known songs, including the Hymn of the Russian Federation, the Sverdlovsk Waltz, and other compositions about the Motherland.

Despite the long history of the country, the Day of Russia began to be celebrated only in 2002. Yevgeny Kuyvashev congratulated the all present on a young but in such a meaningful holiday. «The Day of Russia is a public and bright holiday, uniting people of all ages and professions, of all nationalities and religions. We congratulate our Yekaterinburg and people working for the benefit of their fellow citizens,» the acting Governor said.

Rain and bad weather could not prevent the celebration: 11 teams of Yekaterinburg universities on this day competed in yawl- race along the Iset river in honor of the twice Hero of Russia Mikhail Odintsov. From USUE a team of seven people participated in the regatta. The students reached the final, where they took the fourth place. Besides, the USUE team became the leader in the time classification with the result of 3 minutes 53 seconds. 

Drums, parade military uniform and banners: Yekaterinburg celebrated the Day of Russia. In the festive procession in the center of the city, USUE students marched in a column together with the Youth Army members, Cossacks, and cadets. Along with the flag of the country, young patriots held high the flag of their university. In the events dedicated to the Day of Russia took part the USUE Vice-Rector for social work Roman Krasnov.

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