School students of Yekaterinburg choose future professions

More than 200 schoolchildren from Yekaterinburg came to Ural State University of Economics to make a decision on their future professions. October 11-12, the University runs the city vocational guidance project «Pro-Debut: Covering the City».

The task of the project is to acquaint high school students with professions. Within two days, participants will be given master classes where they learn what they would do if they choose this or that specialty.

This year the following departments take part in the project:
— Department of Regional and Municipal Economics and Management (area — «Land Management and Cadastre»)
— Department of Business Informatics (area — «Information Security»)
— Department of Statistics, Econometrics and Informatics (Areas: «Information Systems Software and Administration», «Applied Informatics», «Informatics and Computer Engineering»
— Department of Merchandizing and Goods Expertise (area: «Merchandizing»)
— Department of Quality Management — (area: «Quality Management»)
— Department of Food Technology (area: «Technology of Production and Organization of Public Catering»)
— Department of Food Engineering (areas: «Biotechnology», " Food Production Machines and Devices"
— Department of Tourist Business and Hospitality (areas «Tourism», «Hospitality», and «Service»)
— «Arena Center» (area: Information Technologies).

We would like to note that one could define the profession on the Open Day at USUE, to be held on 28 October. «We will introduce new admission rules and admission quotas for 2018-2019 academic year. School students will be able to ask questions concerning entrance examinations and Unified State Exam (USE),» said Irina Martyanova, head of the Department of Admission and Pre-university Training.

«Yekaterinburg Employment Center» will conduct Computer-professional testing. All interested persons can check up, whether they have made a correct choice of the area of training.

For reference:

The career-oriented project «Pro-Debut: Covering the city » was established with the support of the Education Department of the Yekaterinburg Administration. USUE was the first among the universities responded to it, and in 2012 became the winner of the Tatishchev and de Gennin award for active participation in organizing and conducting the event.

More than 200 schoolchildren from Yekaterinburg came to Ural State University of Economics to make a decision on their future professions. October 11-12, the University runs the city vocational guidance project «Pro-Debut: Covering the City».

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