In connection with the terrorist attack, the rector of Ural State University of Economics, Yakov Silin, addressed residents and guests of the Urals: 

“Dear friends, colleagues, and fellow countrymen!

Today, Ural State University of Economics is mourning along with the entire country. A terrible terrorist attack has occurred. But neither this terrorist attack nor other attacks on our Russia could defeat or stop us. We are one country; we are one people; we stood and stand together.

I appeal to everyone who planned to come to our Open Day today. For several months, we have been preparing to meet you. However, I think we will do the right thing if we postpone this undoubtedly important event for some time; we will announce the date later. There will be meetings with the teaching staff. We will give answers to all your questions. I do hope for your understanding!”

Late the night before, several armed men burst into the Crocus City Hall concert hall near Moscow and opened fire on the spectators who came to the concert, and then a fire started in the building. According to data provided by the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, over 60 people died. “Unfortunately, the number of victims may increase,” the official statement of the Russian Investigative Committee says. A terrorism investigation has been opened. Interior Ministry members and FSB Investigators are currently continuing to work at the site of the tragedy.


Address by USUE Rector Yakov Silin

Пресс-служба УрГЭУ

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