Slavic cuisine conquered international students

As part of the events of the Moscow Academic Economic Forum and the International Project “Slavic Youth Dialogue: Language, History, Culture”, a master class “Promotion of the culture and history of Slavic peoples through gastronomic traditions” was held. The master class was prepared by the USUE Department of Food Technology together with the School of Service and Hospitality of Ural State University of Economics.

 Over 20 representatives of the USUE Association of International Students learned the secrets of Slavic dishes cooking. Ilya Karzhavin, Brand-Chef of the USUE Department of Food Technology, told the recipe of the Russian dish Beef Stroganoff. The students helped the cook: they peeled potatoes, chopped onions, and hashed meat.

 While cooking, the chef told the story of the origin of beef stroganoff. It is known that the dish was named after Count Alexander Stroganov. According to one version, in old age, the politician had problems with his teeth and could not chew meat, so the count’s favorite beef had to be hashed as much as possible.

According to another version, the count got angry with his beloved, and to “let steam off,” he went to the kitchen and hashed the first available piece of beef. After that, he ordered his cook to prepare a dish of that meat. Finely hashed meat with sauce suited Stroganov’s taste. The students also duly appreciated the dish.

Students from Egypt, Syria, Tajikistan, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, China, Cameroon, Gabon, and other countries prepared and tasted traditional Slavic dishes at USUE. Culinary art unites; everyone contributed to the common cause, and it turned out to be a dinner made with the love of the entire world.

USUE international students learned how to cook dishes of beef and potatoes.

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