Meeting of Sverdlovsk region patriotic search groups started at USUE

For two days, November 2 and 3, 2017, Ural State University of Economics hosts a meeting of patriotic search groups of the Sverdlovsk region. Among the organizers of the event, there are major patriotic organizations: Association of patriotic groups "Vozvrashchenie"  and the Sverdlovsk regional branch of All-Russian public movement to perpetuate the memory of those killed in the defense of the Fatherland "Search Movement of Russia." The organizers handed USUE Rector Yakov Silin a letter of gratitude “for responsible attitude toward the issues of patriotic education of the younger generation, careful attitude to the memory of fallen defenders of the Fatherland and their moral self-sacrificing feat." At the plenary session, the participants were  welcomed by Roman Krasnov, USUE Vice-Rector for Social Work, Elena Skuratova, chairperson of the Association of the patriotic groups “Vozvrashchenie ", Oksana Burakova, Deputy Director of the Department for Youth Policy, Yuri Sudakov, chairman of the regional public organization of veterans of war and labor, military operations, civil service, and pensioners, Sergei Voronin, Hero of the Russian Federation, coordinator of the working group on improving military and patriotic upbringing in the Ural Federal District.

Roman Krasnov noted the importance of patriotic education in the University activities, "We do not only teach, but also promote patriotism. USUE runs plenty of activities for young people and for the university community, including meetings with heroes of Russia, and recently we held the Council of Rectors devoted to the topic of our today’s meeting. We will continue this work."

Oksana Burakova told about a systematic approach to promote patriotism of youth in our region, “The work on patriotic education in the Sverdlovsk region is very structured and systematic. Last year, the decree of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk region approved a law on patriotic education, which determined for us the full range of activities in this area. Activities of search groups allow us not to lose the connection of generations and to teach our youth to respect the feat done for us by our ancestors. You are engaged in a very important work and find new forms of interaction. I would like a professional search platform to be created for you to share your experiences."

Oksana Burakova, "The aim of our work is to summarize the experience of last year, to learn the best practices to restore the fate of the dead and missing in action, to perpetuate them in memorial books, and to involve young people in patriotic actions. Our organization has been working for 28 years and includes 50 search groups."

Before the event, acting Director of the USUE Department for Youth Policy Yana Sikorskaya detailed the plenary session of the meeting, "Today, the regional seminar of search clubs is being held. This seminar brings together leading experts in the field of civil-patriotic education and the search movement. My speech is devoted to civil-patriotic education at the University. I will tell about results achieved last year and plans for the coming year. Apart from that, I will speak about the trip of our students to the city of Courcy. The students are impressed by that trip: they made friends with students who live in France and are engaged in digging out, just like our searchers. It resulted in the found remains of Russian soldiers who had taken part in battles in France. They were handed over for identification and reburial."

We would like to remind  that this summer Near the town of Courcy, the members of the USUE  search group  Victoria Spiridonova and  Taras Marchenko  spent ten days on the battlefield Russian Expeditionary Corps, where, according to historians, died about 6000 Russian soldiers. During this time, from the heavy ground, the expedition members raised personal belongings of soldiers and officers of three armies. Among the findings, there were an unopened bottle of 100-year-old wine, glass mugs, buckles, and even Christmas-tree toys. And what’s the main, they found the remains of a Russian soldier, who a century ago laid down his life for the freedom of France.

Following the visit, USUE students have proven themselves as expert searchers, and USUE received a letter of thanks from the Sverdlovsk branch of the Russian military-historical society.

There are two busy days ahead: participants of patriotic search groups meeting will visit the Shirokorechensk memorial complex, will take part in the opening of a monument to military pilots and will go on an excursion to the multimedia park "Russia is My History."

На протяжении двух дней, 2 и 3 ноября 2017 года, Уральский государственный университет принимает на своей площадке Слет патриотических поисковых отрядов Свердловской области. В числе организаторов мероприятия крупные патриотические организации: Свердловская областная общественная молодежная организация «Ассоциация патриотических отрядов „Возвращение“» и Свердловское региональное отделение Общероссийского общественного движения по увековечиванию памяти погибших при защите Отечества «Поисковое движение России». Организаторы вручили ректору УрГЭУ Якову Силину благодарственное письмо за «ответственное отношение к вопросам патриотического воспитания подрастающего поколения, бережное отношение к памяти павших защитников Отечества, их нравственному жертвенному подвигу».

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