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The Ural State University of Economics publishes four scientific journals on economics, management, digital technologies and the food industry. “Manager” was recognized as the best in the rating of the scientific electronic library “elibrary”. The leaders in citations are also other USUE journals – “Journal of New Economy” and “Food Industry”.

The scientific journal “Manager” publishes articles on the theory, methodology and practice of management and marketing at the micro- and macro-level. The journal is indexed in the international scientometric database Emerging Sources Citation Index Web of Science, included in the Russian Science Citation Index and included in the list of peer-reviewed journals of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation for the publication of scientific results of dissertations for the academic degrees of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences ( category K1).

The journal publishes articles under the following headings:

– Theory and methodology of management;

– Theory and methodology of marketing;

– Organization Theory;

– Management of organizational behavior;

– Strategic management and corporate governance;

– Marketing strategies and practices;

– Market development: management aspect;

– Business model and change management;

– State and municipal administration;

– Project and business process management;

– Human resource management;

– Data management and scientometric management.

According to the two-year impact factor, “Manager” became the best scientific journal in Russia in the categories “Organization and Management” and “Economics. Economic Sciences".

“Journal of New Economy” (until 2019 – “News of the Ural State Economic University”) publishes articles on the theory, methodology and practice of economic growth and development of economic systems. Included in the List of peer-reviewed scientific publications of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (category K1). The periodical is published in Russian and English (translated version).

Thematic sections of the magazine:

– Theoretical foundations of economic development and growth;

– Noonomics. Paradigm of technological structures and world economic relations;

– Macroeconomic analysis and factors of economic growth;

– Transformation processes in the economy;

– Financial instruments for economic growth;

– Development of the monetary system;

– Regional aspects of economic growth;

– Development of industry markets and enterprises.

The Journal of New Economy is among the top 40 Russian journals in economic sciences and ranks seventh in terms of two-year impact factor among 479 scientific periodicals.

“Food Industry” / “Food Industry” is dedicated to current issues and prospects for the development of the food industry. Included in the international abstract database AGRIS, the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) system, and in the List of Journals of the Higher Attestation Commission (category K2).

Scientific articles can be published in English and Russian in the following sections:

– Fundamentals of commodity science and market research;

– Food technologies;

– Food biotechnology;

– Processes and apparatus of food production;

– Quality and safety;

– Chemistry and physics of food systems;

– Processing, storage, standardization

The frequency of publication of the magazine is once every three months (four issues per year).

In the ranking of journals by two-year impact factor, “Food Industry” is among the top three scientific publications on the subject of “Food Industry” (a total of 41 journals on the subject).

Scientific journal “Digital Models and Solutions” (until 2022 – “e-FORUM”). Included in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) system. In 2021, the journal doubled its main citation indicator, the two-year RSCI impact factor, to 0.179.

The magazine contains the following sections:

– System analysis;

– Management, information processing and artificial intelligence;

– Economic and statistical methods of data analysis;

– Data mining;

– Mathematical and simulation models of the economy;

– Information systems management;

– Management of economic systems;

– Public and corporate governance strategies;

– Strategic and gaming models (Chess).

The frequency of publication of the magazine is once every three months (four issues per year). Articles are published free of charge in Russian and English.

Ural State Economic University invites Russian and foreign scientists to publish their research, as well as readers on the pages of USUE journals!

USUE journals are among the top Russian scientific publications

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