To save the life and health of working people is our main task

In connection with the 100th anniversary of the Labor Technical Inspection within Trade Unions of Russia, a scientific and practical conference with international participation was held at Ural State University of Economics "100 Years of Struggle for the Life and Health of Workers". The conference was organized by the Federation of Trade Unions of Sverdlovsk Oblast.

The event was attended by officials of government administration and supervision, executive bodies of Sverdlovsk Oblast, municipal administrations, trade union activists and labor teams, representatives of scientific environment from higher educational institutions of Russia and the near abroad.
The main topic discussed at the conference was the protection of workers' labor rights. "The most important is human resources that must be retained and multiplied," said Alexei Kiselev, deputy chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of Sverdlovsk Oblast. The speaker outlined the following trends in the field of labor production: injuries at enterprises and the growth of deaths in the workplace. "Our task is to make sure that people do not get occupational diseases and injuries, and if they could not avoid it, they would receive timely rehabilitation."
"The task of the trade union at the federal level is to fight for fair law and at the corporate level - to fight for the exact enforcement of the law,” Gregory Feinburg, professor, director of the ILO Information Center for Labor Protection said in his speech.
In his report "Place and Role of Trade Unions in the Struggle for Safe and Decent Labor" the professor highlighted remaining challenges in this area. They are the lack of motivation of employers, employees and authorities, incomplete new market economy legislation, as well as contradictions in the current legislation, which contains "legal spots".

In connection with the 100th anniversary of the Labor Technical Inspection within Trade Unions of Russia, a scientific and practical conference with international participation was held at Ural State University of Economics "100 Years of Struggle for the Life and Health of Workers". The conference was organized by the Federation of Trade Unions of Sverdlovsk Oblast.
The event was attended by officials of government administration and supervision, executive bodies of Sverdlovsk Oblast, municipal administrations, trade union activists and labor teams, representatives of scientific environment from higher educational institutions of Russia and the near abroad.
The main topic discussed at the conference was the protection of workers' labor rights. "The most important is human resources that must be retained and multiplied," said Alexei Kiselev, deputy chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of Sverdlovsk Oblast. The speaker outlined the following trends in the field of labor production: injuries at enterprises and the growth of deaths in the workplace. "Our task is to make sure that people do not get occupational diseases and injuries, and if they could not avoid it, they would receive timely rehabilitation."
"The task of the trade union at the federal level is to fight for fair law and at the corporate level - to fight for the exact enforcement of the law,” Gregory Feinburg, professor, director of the ILO Information Center for Labor Protection said in his speech.
In his report "Place and Role of Trade Unions in the Struggle for Safe and Decent Labor" the professor highlighted remaining challenges in this area. They are the lack of motivation of employers, employees and authorities, incomplete new market economy legislation, as well as contradictions in the current legislation, which contains "legal spots".
"Over the past year, we have identified over 18 thousand violations of labor legislation, 10 thousand lawsuits were filed to the courts, instituted almost 1,300 administrative cases were initiated. Moreover, more than 12% of these violations are associated with violations of labor protection requirements," Mikhail Kaliberda, a prosecutor of the Department for Supervision over Compliance with Federal Legislation, Rights and Freedoms of Citizens at the Prosecution Service of Sverdlovsk Oblast, stated figures.
Tatyana Gasilina, deputy head of the State Labor Inspectorate in Sverdlovsk Oblast, cited data on injuries at the Sverdlovsk Oblast enterprises, "For the 1st quarter of 2018, we see an increase in the number of deaths at production facilities (compared to 2017). The problem is that employers do not invest into improving the working conditions of employees, and also cover up accidents. Therefore, our task is to keep up lifes and health of our employees. "
The head of the department for supervision of occupational health at the Department of Rospotrebnadzor in Sverdlovsk Oblast Vadim Ruzakov analyzed the occupational morbidity in the Sverdlovsk region and determined that the number of deaths from common diseases at work increases with rapid speed. "Now the supermortality of the able-bodied males is registered in the range of 35-55 years. The reasons are extremely simple: working overtime and emotional stress in the workplace. "
The conference ran the sections "Training members of commissions for carrying out special assessment of working conditions" and "Social partnership in labor protection: reality and prospects" and “Issues of realization of representative and protective functions of trade unions in labor protection". Their participants discussed the role of employees and trade unions in the functioning of labor protection management system in organization, protecting workers' health, and its solution through collective bargaining agreements, and other relevant topics.

In connection with the 100th anniversary of the Labor Technical Inspection within Trade Unions of Russia, a scientific and practical conference with international participation was held at Ural State University of Economics "100 Years of Struggle for the Life and Health of Workers". The conference was organized by the Federation of Trade Unions of Sverdlovsk Oblast.

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