«Plashes of Sunlight from the Country of Gray Shades»: USUE students are to take part in a charity project

September 7, students of Ural State University of Economics met with the president of the public organization "Russian Club" Olga Smetanina and discussed the development of charitable projects.

According to Olga Smetanina, the main idea of the club is to assist the development of the Sverdlovsk region through social projects. One of them was the charity project "Plashes of sunlight from the country of gray shadows", which is aimed at attracting socially responsible businesses and caring citizens to help children living in the Baby Home at the Nizhny Tagil Women's Correctional Facility No. 6.

The USUE Rector Yakov Silin stressed the importance of charity, "It is a noble and difficult work. Olga Smetanina is keen to charity and involves others. I would like you to start developing and supporting similar projects, gaining experience, making interesting and useful contacts and acquaintances. A USUE student must not only study well but also to participate in public life."

The president of "Russian Club" focused students’ attention on the fact that the orphanage at the Nizhny Tagil women's correctional facility No. 6 is supported at the federal level. "Children receive only food and clothing, they do not have toys and they do not have the opportunity to go in for sports. In addition, the equipment in the food factory of the Baby Home was installed 45 years ago. Our primary goal is to help purchase the equipment for the kitchen. I hope everyone can find a place in this project," Olga Smetanina added.

A project participant Vladislav Zinnurov spoke in detail on the project. "Today at the Baby Home at the Nizhny Tagil Women's Correctional Facility №6, there are 100 children aged from 0 to 3 years. Their mothers are serving their sentence for criminal offenses."

Please note that the project "Plashes of Sunlight from the Country of Gray Shades" is being implemented since 2014. The initiators of the project were the Ombudsman for Human Rights of the Sverdlovsk region, the Public Monitoring Commission of the Sverdlovsk region, the Sverdlovsk Regional Branch of "All-Russian Police Association", and the Children's Human Rights Foundation "Chance".

September 7, students of Ural State University of Economics met with the president of the public organization "Russian Club" Olga Smetanina and discussed the development of charitable projects.

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