Forum of Rectors

Over 60 representatives of universities both from Russia and CIS countries arrived at the forum of Rectors in Yekaterinburg. The scholars have discussed patriotic education of students and networking of universities in changing world economic relations at the Council of Rectors held within the framework of the XII EEYF at a unique historical building of the Sverdlovsk Region - Sevastyanov’s House.

Pavel Krekov, Deputy Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region delivered a welcoming speech: “Our region occupies a special place in the development of Eurasian ties. The Eurasian Economic Youth Forum gives impetus to the further expansion of all areas of international cooperation.”

 Prior to the council, USUE Rector Yakov Silin signed several cooperation agreements: 

- A cooperation agreement with the Rector of St. Petersburg State University of Economics, Doctor of Economics, Professor Igor Maksimtsev concerns the joining of Ural State University of Economics the Eurasian Institute of Tourism, Exhibition and Event Management consortium.

 “Young people are the future. Together we will undertake humanitarian and scientific missions. I am very glad to cooperate,” Professor Igor Maksimtsev, Rector of St. Petersburg State University of Economics, said.

the implementation of educational and scientific programs; conducting joint scientific research, mutual participation in international educational, research and technical projects, congresses, symposiums, conferences, and seminars, as well as the exchange of training materials and academic literature on a bilateral and multilateral basis. On behalf of Azerbaijan, the document was signed by Associate Professor Mansur Isa Oglu Barkhudarov, director of the Russian School of Economics: “In unity there is strength and only by joining our efforts we can move forward along the road of progress. I hope that our cooperation will bear fruit soon,” he said after the signing.

 - A cooperation agreement with the Belarusian State University of Economics was signed with the First Vice-Rector, Doctor of Economics, Professor Elena Kireeva. The subject of the agreement is the implementation of educational and scientific programs, joint scientific research, academic mobility of students, joint implementation of innovative activities, mutual participation in international educational projects and congresses.

 -A cooperation agreement with USUE was signed by Professor Egemberdi Toktorov, Rector of the Osh State Law Institute, PhD in Law. The subject of the agreement is the implementation by the parties of educational and scientific programs.

“By signing new agreements with universities, we give way to new projects. We will be stronger if we unite,” said USUE Rector Yakov Silin.

As part of the Council of Rectors, Yakov Silin presented an honorary order “For Contribution to EEYF” to Urmat Attokurov, Vice-Rector for External Relations and Development of the Osh Technological University.

First to report was the Rector of Ural State University of Economics Yakov Silin. He stressed; “We perceive foreign citizens as our brothers. Over seven hundred people take part in the exchange program, and it is very important to ensure further employment of international students.”

Vadim Zaichikov, head of the Department of Education and Science of the Federal Agency for the CIS Affairs, Compatriots Living Abroad and International Humanitarian Cooperation, spoke about the promotion of Russian education and science.

Sergey Afontsev, Deputy Director of the Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations, made a report on changes in dissertation councils and changes in the scientific environment.

Larisa Efremova, Vice-Rector for International Affairs of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, in her report, spoke about the need to develop international mobility, about new professions aimed at project-oriented activities, about teamwork on projects: “A university is turning into a digital ecosystem, this is the main trend of the future in the field of education and science.”

Dmitry Bugrov, First Vice-Rector of Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, talked about the need to ensure the use of intangible heritage.

Professor Igor Maksimtsev,  Rector of St. Petersburg State University of Economics, in his speech, emphasized the need for young people to establish friendly relations under the current political and economic situation.

Roman Obodets, Vice-Rector of the Donetsk Academy of Management and Public Administration under the Head of the Donetsk People’s Republic, stressed that it was necessary to align with the USUE scientific journals Upravlenets (The Manager) and Journal of New Economy and to establish an exchange between libraries.

Professor Vladimir Lopatin, Rector of Republican Scientific Research Institute of Intellectual Property, Doctor of Law, in his report, spoke about the need to develop own system for indexing publications and evaluating the effectiveness of scientific activities. 






As part of the XII EEYF, a forum of Rectors was held in Yekaterinburg, in which representatives of universities from over ten countries took part.

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