January 26, during an online meeting between Ural State University of Economics and the Kazakh Academy of Labor and Social Relations (KazAtiso), a cooperation agreement was signed. USUE Rector Yakov Silin and KazAtiso Vice-Rector for Research and International Relations Gaini Mukhanova confirmed their readiness for joint promising projects.
During the live broadcast, the parties briefly introduced each other to their universities. KazAtiso Vice-Rector Gaini Mukhanova drew attention that the university she heads in Almaty is twice as young as USUE, and it trains fewer students.  

USUE Rector and KazAtiso Vice-Rector have agreed on cooperation in the following areas: joint research, participation in applied research, and expanding cooperation with the business sector of Kazakhstan and Russia through their involvement in joint research of the applied internship program. The universities are ready to implement academic exchange programs, including in online format.


Besides, within the framework of the concluded agreement, it is possible to discuss joint projects under international grants (Rossotrudnichestvo, ISRR, EBRD, World Bank, international funds of Soros, Konrad Adenauer, First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Jean Monnet, Erasmus + 2021 - 2027 mobility, Horizon 2020, Primakov Fund on the problems of the Far East, Gorchakov and Prokhorov Foundations).

USUE Rector Yakov Silin thanked Gaini Mukhanova for professional interaction and the prospect of cooperation and invited her to participate in the XI Eurasian Economic Youth Forum to be held at USUE in April 2021.

January 26, during an online meeting between Ural State University of Economics and the Kazakh Academy of Labor and Social Relations (KazAtiso), a cooperation agreement was signed. USUE Rector Yakov Silin and KazAtiso Vice-Rector for Research and International Relations Gaini Mukhanova confirmed their readiness for joint promising projects.

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