Results of pistol shooting competition-2017 among USUE employees

On July 1, at the polygon of Staropyshminskiy Sports and Technical Center “Strelbishche” of the Sverdlovsk regional branch of DOSAAF of Russia, a pistol shooting competition-2017was held among the USUE employees.

Prize places won:
1 place - "Sportsmen" team.
2 place - "Lawyers" team
3 place - "Milk" team

The general table of results can be found here.

On July 1, at the polygon of Staropyshminskiy Sports and Technical Center “Strelbishche” of the Sverdlovsk regional branch of DOSAAF of Russia, a pistol shooting competition-2017was held among the USUE employees.

Пресс-служба УрГЭУ

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