USUE supports the development of chess in the Sverdlovsk region

Ural State University of Economics hosted the reporting and election conference of the Sverdlovsk regional Chess Federation.  The conference was attended by Anatoly Karpov, XII World Chess Champion, deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Leonid Rapoport, Minister of Physical Culture and Sports of the Sverdlovsk region, Yakov Silin, USUE Rector, Federation officials, and about seventy regional chess-players. 

Anatoly Karpov welcomed all the participants and noted the success of the Sverdlovsk region: the revival of "Malachite" team, which took third place in the Championship of Russia, and the team of veterans was there the winner. He drew attention to the development of chess in schools and among students, "We discussed with Yakov Petrovich the popularization of intellectual sport among young people.  Chess forms logical thinking, and for students of economic university, this is very useful.  Perhaps, it is necessary to create a chess department at USUE on the model of the department "Chess Art and Logic" existing at Samara State Technical University". 

Anatoly Karpov posted an entry in the USUE distinguished visitors’ book. 

Minister of Physical Culture and Sports of the Sverdlovsk Region Leonid Rapoport spoke about the development of chess in the Urals.  In 18 cities of our region, there are chess sections at youth sports schools. 

USUE Rector Yakov Silin handed a letter of thanks to the most titled Sverdlovsk chess-player, international grandmaster Lyudmila Saunina for the development of chess in the region. On this day in honor of her 65th birthday, a chess blitz tournament was held at the USUE Recreation Center. 

"Ural State University of Economics is ready to hold chess tournaments among students, staff and veterans, as well as provide a platform for any competition in this sport,” Yakov Silin said.

At the conference, delegates were presented with a program for the development of chess in the region until 2021, but the participants agreed that it requires expert evaluation.  During the meeting, the Board of Trustees of the Sverdlovsk regional Chess Federation headed by Anatoly Karpov was approved.  Delegates selected a new executive director of the Federation for a  four-year term - Albert Stepanyan.  Igor Chernogolov, the former president, was elected Honorary President of the Regional Chess Federation. Andrey Simanovskiy, founder and head of "Sima-Land" company, became a new president.  

"I became the head of the Chess Federation in order to develop this sport: for children, adults, and veterans.  And the main goal is to win Russian championships and those of European countries," Andrey Simanovskiy said. 

At the conference, an agreement was signed on USUE hosting an open chess festival "Ural Chess Festival-2017" from July 31 to August 12, 2017, for prizes of AO "SKB-Kontur".  This festival will consist of five tournaments and will take place annually.  Besides, this autumn, USUE will be the venue for children’s chess championship, devoted to the 50th anniversary of the University.

Ural State University of Economics hosted the reporting and election conference of the Sverdlovsk regional Chess Federation. The conference was attended by Anatoly Karpov, XII World Chess Champion, deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Leonid Rapoport, Minister of Physical Culture and Sports of the Sverdlovsk region, Yakov Silin, USUE Rector, Federation officials, and about seventy regional chess-players.

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