Contribution to the future: USUE prepares a professional sports-ground

Ural State University of Economics is waiting for some changes: the University is actively working to create a professional sports-ground. Serious requirements were set for the repair project, and upon completion of the works, the gym and fitness facilities in the main building will meet the highest international sports standards. Besides, the University will build a multifunctional stadium next to the dormitories in Umeltsev Street.

According to the head of the USUE Department of Physical Education and Sports Maxim Kocheryan, it will be a big event for University athletes, «USUE students participate in a variety of sport competitions, including of Russian and international levels. In order them to be competitive, it is necessary to not only support the ethos of sport but create conditions for growth and development. Everything is important: lighting, parquet, marking, etc. A little leak may sink a great ship.»

We would like to note that it will be a complete overhaul, which is held by the University with the support of the Sverdlovsk Region Basketball Association of Veterans: they repaired a roof over the gym of the sports complex and soon, the floor will be parqueted. All this will allow the University to host international competitions in basketball, volleyball, badminton, and mini-football.

In the USUE arena, the volleyball championship and youth competitions of the volleyball club «Uralochka» are held regularly. «USUE gym is considered one of the best in the Sverdlovsk region among higher education institutions,» Valentina Ogienko, general director of the club «Uralochka», Olympic champion 1988, world champion 1990, the 4-time European champion, 5-time champion of the USSR, Honored Coach of Russia, said.

Much attention is paid not only to the gym but also to the fitness facilities on the first floor of the USUE sports complex: after reconstruction, the capacity of the locker room will grow to 300 people, shower cabins will be updated, a separate entrance from the street will appear, and the new simulators will not be inferior to those of the Yekaterinburg leading fitness clubs. The changes will help not only to improve the quality of professional athletes training but also attract to the gym those USUE students and employees who take care of their health.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the appearance of a multifunctional stadium next to the dormitories, the construction of which is planned for July-August, and the grand opening — on September 16. «There will be a football field with an artificial turf, a volleyball field, a rubber crumb track, an obstacle course, and a sports ground for the Studzachet of ASSC of Russia (training for GTO). The stadium will be floodlighted. In such a way the University will provide favorable conditions for holding competitions in the evening,» Maxim Kocheryan said. He also stressed that without training in fresh air, the training of athletes will be incomplete.

Construction of the ground «Studzaschet ASKS of Russia» at USUE is planned for good reason. From February to May 2017, more than 200 student sports clubs took part in the competition for the construction of an open-air ground under the aegis of the Association. Members of the expert jury selected eight of the best clubs from eight federal districts, including USUE. In addition to Yekaterinburg, the grounds will be equipped in Khabarovsk, Irkutsk, Kazan, Sevastopol, Kursk, Vladikavkaz and St. Petersburg. June 23, on the square in front of USUE there will be a solemn presentation of certificates to the winners of ASSC of Russia.

The construction and modernization of sports grounds in the University of Economics is a huge contribution to the future of athletes, as well as health concerns of USUE students and employees.

Ural State University of Economics is waiting for some changes: the University is actively working to create a professional sports-ground. Serious requirements were set for the repair project, and upon completion of the works, the gym and fitness facilities in the main building will meet the highest international sports standards. Besides, the University will build a multifunctional stadium next to the dormitories in Umeltsev Street.

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