USUE athletes took part in the 1st All-Russian competition of student Sambo teams, devoted to the 75th anniversary of the Soviet counteroffensive at Stalingrad

Competitions were held in in the Sports Palace of Volgograd Trade Unions on November 3 and 4. The host party was Volgograd State University. Teams of 13 universities from different regions took part in the competitions that were organized within the project «Student Sambo League».

The USUE Sambo team showed good results in the individual competition: our athletes defended the honor of the university in the semi-final matches.

While in Volgograd, the athletes visited the memorial complex «To the Heroes of the Stalingrad Battle» with its main monument «Motherland is Calling!» on Mamayev Kurgan. They also took part in the solemn ceremony of laying floral tributes to the communal graves, where the ashes of more than 35,000 defenders of Stalingrad lay.

This March, USUE was one of the first universities in the country to sign a cooperation agreement with the Russian National Student Sambo League. Currently, the University is an active member of the League in the promotion of Sambo. In April 2018, USUE is going to host student competitions in Sambo — «Ural Mountains».

Competitions were held in in the Sports Palace of Volgograd Trade Unions on November 3 and 4. The host party was Volgograd State University. Teams of 13 universities from different regions took part in the competitions that were organized within the project «Student Sambo League».

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