SSC SINH took part in the All-Russian club tournament of ASSC in Moscow

From 7 through 10 September, in Moscow ASSC of Russia held the All-Russian club tournament. From Ural State University of Economics, eight students took part, members of Student Sports Club "SYNH": Kirill Mokeev Anastasia Krasnoselova Sergei Savva, Denis Koreshkov, Victoria Rubezhanskaya, Oksana Koptelova, Ivan Molotkov, and Nadezhda Novikova.

Within the club tournament, there were competitions in darts, chess, football, rope pulling, badminton and also the athletics track "Swedish Relay".

The results of our participants met our expectations: the students managed to get out in the first half of the rating, ahead of many strong rivals. According to the participants, in pulling the rope the opponents recognized "SINH" the strongest.

In the summary table, USUE team took the 15th place from 32. SSC "SINH" took 3rd place in the rope pulling.

SSC "SYNH" expresses gratitude to the organizers for the tournament holding, unforgettable emotions and the opportunity to visit the capital.

From 7 through 10 September, in Moscow ASSC of Russia held the All-Russian club tournament. From Ural State University of Economics, eight students took part, members of Student Sports Club "SYNH": Kirill Mokeev Anastasia Krasnoselova Sergei Savva, Denis Koreshkov, Victoria Rubezhanskaya, Oksana Koptelova, Ivan Molotkov, and Nadezhda Novikova.

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