SSC SINH had training camp

Last weekend, the students of the sports club "SINH" visited the Khrustalnaya recreation camp. Three teams of students got through sports stages to bind the team spirit.

It is worth noting that the students did not have time to get bored: sporting tasks were designed for each team member. Everyone was engaged, and everyone contributed to the team result.

Tug-of-war, the final test, became the most interesting. Newly-minted participants of the sports club challenged the organizers and mentors, learned the victorious tactics in tug-of-war and confirmed their team spirit.

In the morning, the students got up early, jogged, made morning exercises, and had breakfast. Everyone who wished could repeat the evening games. And the rest could go back to Yekaterinburg.

We would like to express our gratitude for this wonderful, merry event to the organizers of the sports club. And also many thanks to the USUE students’ trade union, as well as to our colleagues from the Mining University, who agreed to go and participate together with us!

Last weekend, the students of the sports club "SINH" visited the Khrustalnaya recreation camp. Three teams of students got through sports stages to bind the team spirit.

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