Awards to the best

The solemn awarding of the best employees of Ural State University of Economics took place at a weekly meeting.

USUE Rector of Yakov Silin presented the Small Silver Sign of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region with the image of the small emblem of the Sverdlovsk Region to the Vice-Rector for Property Vladimir Kuligin for his great contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists. In 2017, five University employees were rewarded for their services with this high award.

The diploma of the honorary professor of the USUE department was awarded to the senior lecturer of the Department of Enterprise Economics Konstantin Tretyakov.

Besides, many years of conscientious work and high professionalism of Irina Logunova, head of the salary and scholarship office, were honored with the Certificate of Appreciation from the head of the Yekaterinburg administration.

The solemn awarding of the best employees of Ural State University of Economics took place at a weekly meeting.

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