Baltic Artek international youth forum has started its work. It will be last from 9 to 16 August in the Kaliningrad region. Students of the USUE Institute of Finance and Law Semyon Gorodensky, Azizbek Murodullaev, Elena Osipova and Alyona Kolesnichenko went to Primorye village of Svetlogorsk district to take part in the youth gathering.

This year's forum topic is "Young Compatriots Living Abroad". The program for the participants comprises meetings  with specialists of various fields, including project management, student self-governance, volunteerism, urban studies, sociology, architecture, public speaking, and others.

The opening ceremony of the forum was attended by the Deputy Presidential Envoy in the North-West Federal District Mr. Roman Balashov, head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs Mr. Alexander Bugaev, Director of the Department of Cooperation with Compatriots Abroad of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Mr. Oleg Malginov, Governor of the Kaliningrad region Mr. Anton Alikhanov, Deputy Director of the Department of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Mr. Andrey Anikeev , rector of the IKBFU Mr. Andrei Klemeshev, and deputy head of the Department for Cooperation  with Compatriots at Rossotrudnichestvo Ms. Anastasia Goryunova.

At the opening ceremony, Mr. Bugaev read the greeting to the forum sent by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, "It is important that you are united with concern for the future of Russia, a sincere desire to be part of its destiny and to promote the popularization of the Russian language, our richest, historical and cultural heritage”.


Welcoming remarks from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Mr. Sergei Lavrov were sounded by Mr. Malginov. The message of the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry states, "Baltic Artek Forum has established itself as a demanded platform that promotes a more complete unlocking of young people’s intellectual and creative potential, their brining up in the spirit of enduring moral values."

Anton Alikhanov, greeting the guests and participants of the forum, wished them fruitful and successful work, "The issue of preserving our culture and language is very hot. It is important to keep in touch with our compatriots, who found themselves abroad. We are very pleased that so many wonderful people who know and love our literature and culture have come to our region."

The forum includes Business Battle, a competition of youth projects. The winners will receive a grant support for the implementation of socially significant projects. The total grant fund of the competition is 3,250,000 rubles.

"We are 100% ready! We would like to pick up maximum knowledge and exchange experience with other guys. We will try our best to defend the project. Our goal is to win the grant!" Azizbek Murodullaev, a USUE student, says.


"Every year we try to come up with something new for the participants, so that they could refine themselves not only during the academic year, but also in summer, during the rest period. At the forum, young people can together discuss issues of their concern, communicate with experts, and talk about their best practices. In addition, each of the participants already has considerable experience, which he or she can share with like-minded people," Tatiana Vasilyeva stressed.


The Baltic Artek international youth forum is held for the first time. It is aimed at uniting the efforts of young compatriots and promoting Russian culture abroad.

Baltic Artek international youth forum has started its work. It will be last from 9 to 16 August in the Kaliningrad region.

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