The stele on the Alley of Friendship is open!

Today, a solemn installation of a stele on the Alley of Friendship took place. The ceremony was attended by a delegation of official representatives of Tajikistan in Russia, headed by Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Tajikistan to the Russian Federation Davlatshoh Gulmahmadzoda.

The cement at the base of the memorial stele was laid by the rector of Ural State University of Economics Yakov Silin, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Tajikistan to the Russian Federation Davlatshoh Gulmahmadzoda, Consul General of the Republic of Tajikistan in Yekaterinburg Zafar Sayidzoda, and Trade Representative of the Republic of Tajikistan in the Russian Federation Murtazo Karimi.

“For us, this is a special day that will leave vivid impressions of Yekaterinburg and your university. We hope that soon more of our compatriots will study at USUE, since Tajikistan has taken a course towards the development of industry and other sectors of economy and needs well-educated specialists. We wish further development to USUE and success and prosperity to its staff, students, and graduates!” Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Tajikistan to the Russian Federation Davlatshoh Gulmahmadzoda spoke on behalf of the Tajik delegation.

The participation of foreign guests and partners of USUE in the stele's installation in the Alley of Friendship is very significant for the university. The university pays great attention to the strengthening of international relations, and the Eurasian Economic Youth Forum plays a key role in this process.

The idea of creating a space symbolizing the joint holding of the XII EEYF came up in 2022, because for the first time in history the forum was held at 6 international venues in Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, and Belarus. Diplomats, university rectors, and experts of the XII EEYF programs took part in the planting of Norway maples in the Alley of Friendship in April 2022. In Minsk, Baku, Nursultan, and Bishkek, the co-organizing universities also laid out alleys in honor of the forum that brings together young people, scientific and expert communities from dozens of countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

“With good care, a small branch always turns to a strong tree, so our maples - a symbol of friendship between peoples - will grow stronger every year. We are very pleased with our guests participated at this significant event! USUE constantly develops relations with the universities of Tajikistan and we line up to implement a double degree program. The Tajik National University acted as one of the international platforms of the XII EEYF,” USUE Rector Yakov Silin said.

Improvement of the USUE Alley of Friendship will continue. In the future, benches and sidewalk paths between rows of maple trees will appear for a comfortable stay for citizens.

It is also planned to install steles at the international sites of the XII EEYF at the Belarusian State Economic University, Azerbaijan State University of Economics, M. Ryskulbekov Kyrgyz Economic University, as well as the E.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University and the Tajik National University.

Diplomatic officials of the Republic of Tajikistan attended the ceremony

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