Development Strategy is Digital Transformation

The Ural Economic Forum "Ural - a Driver of Neo-Industrial and Innovative Development of Russia" continues its work at Ural State University of Economics.
Representatives of the academic community, enterprises of the military-industrial complex of the Sverdlovsk region and regional government bodies took part in an expert session of the Ural branch of the Free Economic Society of Russia “Ural - XXI century: space for neo-industrial development. Issues of markets and enterprises in the context of neo-industrial development. ” 

The moderators of the first block “Issues of the market and enterprises in the context of neo-industrial development” were Professor Yakov Silin,  a member of the Presidium of VEO of Russia, President of the VEO Ural Branch, rector of Ural State University of Economics, Professor Alla Golovina,  director of the USUE Higher School of Corporate Education, doctor of economics, and Professor  Valery Dubrovsky, director of the USUE Institute of Economics, a member of the Board of the Ural branch of VEO of Russia.  

The scientific section was opened by Vojt?ch Stehel, Ph.D. in Economics, Vice Rector of the Institute of Technology and Business in ?eské Bud?jovice, director of the VSTE Design and Innovation Center in the Czech Republic. 
The second block of the event was devoted to the problems of regional self-governance. The moderators of the meeting were Professor Yevgeny Animitsa, chief adviser to the USUE administration, chair of the  USUE Department of Regional and Municipal Economics and Management, a member of the Board of the VEO Ural branch, Professor Elena Dvoryadkina, USUE Vice-Rector for Research, a member of the Presidium of the Ural Branch of VEO of Russia, and Natalya Novikova, doctor of economics,  assistant professor at the USUE Department of Regional and Municipal Economics and Management.  

Professor Oleg Roy, Doctor of Sociology, chair of the Department of Regional Economics and Territory Management at Dostoevsky Omsk State University,  analyzed the influence of the strategy of socio-economic development on the deployment of regional economic potential, defined strategic guidelines, spoke about the mechanisms for implementing the strategy and the main shortcomings of strategic documents. According to the expert, the Sverdlovsk region considers its own strategy as the basis for the development of governmental programs, territorial planning schemes, and the forecast of socio-economic development in a medium term.
Besides, the experts discussed the growth factors of machine-building enterprises, the features of ecosystem formation under digitalization, the experience and development prospects of cooperation between Ural State University of Economics and Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, the methodology for working out the spatial development strategy of a major city, the problems of socio-economic development of a single-industry city and much more.

The next item in the program of the Ural Economic Forum held within the walls of USUE was the roundtable “Socio-economic policy and management technologies in the era of digital economy”.
The moderator of that roundtable, Alexander Kokovikhin, Ph.D. (Economics), director of the USUE Institute of Management and Information, spoke about the use of new management technologies, the main development strategy of a modern society being the digital transformation of all sectors of economy.
The roundtable “A new paradigm for the development of the services sector and the hospitality industry in the context of the digital transformation of the economy of the Urals macro-region” was opened by Ruslan Dolzhenko, deputy USUE Vice-Rector for Research. In his welcoming remarks, he called the country and science a single organism, in which each body was responsible for its functionality, services being its blood-circulatory system. The quality of life and the economy as a whole depend on how efficient the service is. Vera Solovyova, director of the USUE Institute of Trade, Food Technologies and Service, supported this comparison with figures, noting that the hospitality and service sector was an integral part of the consumer market of the Ural region, which employs 18% of the able-bodied population of the Sverdlovsk region and which produces 24% of the regional gross product. The speaker also identified issues of the upcoming discussion aimed at solving the problems of economy, employment and the social significance of tourism industry.   

Mikhail Maltsev, the head of the Ural branch of the Russian Union of Travel Industry, noted the high level of the USUE teaching staff and the high competitiveness of University graduates. He emphasized that specialists who graduated from Ural State University of Economics had a number of advantages compared to graduates of other universities working in the hotel industry and public catering sector.    
 Opening the roundtable “Financial and legal mechanisms for ensuring the neo-industrial and innovative development of the Urals and Russia”, Maxim Maramygin,  director of the USUE Institute of Finance and Law,  referred to the report of the President of VEO of Russia Sergey Bodrunov on Russia's transition to a new stage of industrial development, agreeing that the time of noonomy would come inevitably in 10-15 years, but today the participants of the roundtable should discuss practical steps on this path in the field of finance and law.    
Yelena Knyazeva, Vice-Rector for Further Education and Career Guidance, added that the work of the roundtable was devoted to consideration, generalization and information processing, so that participants would have an opportunity to adjust their scientific position, and future economists would become acquainted with current economic trends to efficiently solve practical problems working after their graduation.  

“Let's make science interesting,” with these words Ruslan Dolzhenko, USUE deputy Vice-Rector for Research, welcomed the young participants of the roundtable “Innovative markets, technologies and institutes - drivers of economic development of the Ural macro-region”.    

Participants of another roundtable of the Ural Economic Forum which was prepared and conducted by the chairman of the USUE Council of Young Scientists Yevgeny Kislitsyn and his deputy Tatyana Lukashenok , were experts in business and management, postgraduate students and master’s students from 10 cities and 12 universities, including Ural State University of Economics

The Ural Economic Forum "Ural - a Driver of Neo-Industrial and Innovative Development of Russia" continues its work at Ural State University of Economics.

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