Student life is addictive!

The academic year 2019-2020 at the Ural State Economic University began on August 28, Freshman Week. Until September 30, mentors introduced freshmen to the structure and leaders of the university. The children learned about all student associations, about what a rich student life awaits them ahead.

“By the beginning of the school year, 14,800 students began to study at Ural State Economic University, including about 3,600 full-time undergraduate students, 860 college students, more than 1,000 undergraduates, as well as students from the Institute of Continuing and Distance Education, and the Institute of part-time education,” says Vice-rector for educational-methodical work and the quality of education Dmitriy Karh.

According to the results of the Admission Campaign-2019, 4277 people were admitted to the first year of the university, including 1225 full-time undergraduates. Compared to previous years, this is slightly more, in particular in full-time studies - admission increased by 15%. At the same time, admission to distance learning continues until October 10.
Dmitry Karh emphasizes that the university managed to overfulfill the student recruitment plan due to a reasonable pricing policy. In 2019, the cost of training under education contracts did not rise compared to 2018 and is within the framework of the standards established by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. At the same time, student who has 225 points and more for the exams and who entered under education contracts received a 10-15% discount on tuition.

Among the trends of the Admission Campaign - 2019, Dmitriy Karh also refers to the fact that the number of applicants to the University increased after completing the ACT programs. More than 42% of graduates came from the Ural State University of Economics alone, to the institute of continuous and distance education. The all-Russian tendency to choose incoming directions related to IT-technologies has been fully confirmed at USUE. This year, a record number of applicants chose educational programs related to IT technologies. Despite the fact that at the university almost all educational programs to one degree or another include disciplines related to information technology.

Dmitriy Karh comments: “Due to the block of IT specialties, the Institute of Management and Information Technologies became the most numerous at USUE in the 2019-2020 academic year. The institute has 1282 students. It is possible to raise the question of creating a separate institute of information technologies ”.

At the same time, Ural State Economic University manages to maintain a steady admission of applicants in the area of ??law training and continues to hold a leading position in economic areas. Good reception results were achieved in the areas of "Biotechnology", "Technology of products and the organization of catering", "Technological machines and equipment".

Meanwhile, studies at the university are in full swing six days a week. Due to the heavy workload of the classroom fund, classes are held not only in the daytime, but also in the evening, while older students study up to 22 hours, classes are held on Saturdays.
In September, students attend lectures on academic disciplines. But in some cases, as the Vice-Rector notes, practical and laboratory exercises are being conducted in parallel. Within the framework of the “Introduction to Specialty” discipline, they will master practical skills outside the university - directly at enterprises and organizations of various industries and fields of activity.

In November full-time students will have their first interim certification, and in December the first session in the 2019-2020 academic year will begin. For freshmen - this is the most crucial stage. Especially for children who entered places funded from the federal budget, and there are 238 students like them.
After all, he received a scholarship, and at the end of the session, those who receive low grades will lose it. And, on the contrary, those who pass the exams and tests successfully will retain this right and may apply for an increased scholarship. Recall that all students of the "state employee" who entered the Ural State Economic University receive an academic scholarship, and students who have received exam results from 255 points are awarded an increased scholarship in the amount of 5 thousand rubles.

Some parents ask the question: why does the child have free days in the schedule? “These days are intended for self-training, and not for rest, as some regard it,” says Dmitriy Karh. Students have a lot self-guided work.

Teachers give assignments for their independent implementation. These days, students visit the library, use information resources that host various assignments and cases. Then, at the practical and lecture classes, they demonstrate the acquired knowledge by participating in the discussion of problematic issues.

Increasing the time for self-training is a global trend. The student is required to be able to obtain knowledge, and the teacher only guides him and helps to solve complex and controversial issues ” As a rule, for each subject there are three control points that must be passed before the session. If you do not complete independent tasks, then they accumulate in the form of debts, reduce the student's academic rating, and after intermediate certification the student may not be allowed to attend the session. There are no exceptions for freshmen. Therefore, September is not a time for rest and reflection, but for accelerated adaptation to the requirements of higher education and active inclusion in the educational process.

The academic year 2019-2020 at the Ural State Economic University began on August 28, Freshman Week. Until September 30, mentors introduced freshmen to the structure and leaders of the university. The children learned about all student associations, about what a rich student life awaits them ahead.

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