USUE student became a laureate of Russian Student Spring contest

From May 15 to May 19, the national Russian Student Spring Festival was held in Stavropol, which attracted students from all over Russia for the 26th  time. This year, 2700 students from 80 regions of our country showed their talents. During three competition days, they presented 870 numbers in seven areas: "Musical", "Dance", "Theatrical", "Original genre", "Journalism", "Video", and "Regional program". The members of the Sverdlovsk region delegation became laureates of the regional stage of the Ural Student Spring.

According to the results of the festival, Yulia Kostousova, a student of Ural State University of Economics, became one of the laureates in "Journalism" (nomination "Printed publication"). The task for participants in this nomination was to prepare three contest articles on the topics: "Stavropol - the Birthplace of Elephants?", "Color of Mood Is Yellow-Blue" and "Volunteers of Student Spring".

"I am pleased with my work since I already have experience and understanding of the requirements for texts to be presented to the jury. However, in comparison with last year, the rules of the competition in terms of the volume of a competition work were changed. I had to think over every word and transmit information more thoughtfully and meaningfully. In fact, I did not expect to get the third place in the nomination, but when during the discussion one of the members of the jury, the regional editor of Interfax, Oleg Sannikov, noted me, I realized that I was headed in the right direction!” Yulia shared her impressions.

Yulia also talked about the atmosphere of the festival, "Stavropol is a very beautiful city with a lot of fountains and unusual architecture. Every evening there were concerts, and the atmosphere of student festivity did not stop. Despite the competition and rivalry, all teamed up and communicated. "

One more national Russian Student Spring Festival has come to an end. The next festival will be held in 2019 in Perm Krai.


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RUSSIAN STUDENT SPRING is the central event of the Russian Youth Union and the only program in Russia supporting and developing amateur student creativity.   The program is implemented on the territory of the Russian Federation and includes two international, ten national, nine district, and 80 regional events.

From May 15 to May 19, the national Russian Student Spring Festival was held in Stavropol, which attracted students from all over Russia for the 26th time. This year, 2700 students from 80 regions of our country showed their talents.

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