USUE students and teachers will be able to get vaccinated against coronavirus at the University

The epidemiological situation in the Sverdlovsk region remains tense. More than 500 cases of Covid-19 infection are recorded in the region every day.  To ensure safety and additional protection against the virus, the USUE administration recommends all students and teachers to be vaccinated before the academic year starts. One can get coronavirus shot at the University on 11, 17, 24, and 31 August.

“To get vaccinated, you should call to the Office for Social Work, or a student can contact the deputy director of their Institute or College. Both faculty members and students can come for vaccination,” commented the USUE Office for Social Work.

Until the end of August, full-time students aged 18 or older have to furnish a Covid vaccination certificate to their Institutes. Students arriving from abroad are required to submit the documents regulated by Rospotrebnadzor, confirming a negative result of the laboratory examination on COVID-19. It is also necessary to provide a document to those who have a medical contraindication to vaccination.

Students who had COVID-19 not more than six months before accommodation and before the start of the academic year must submit a certificate of the past disease and a positive test result of blood examination with a sufficient amount of antibodies.

The epidemiological situation in the Sverdlovsk region remains tense. More than 500 cases of Covid-19 infection are recorded in the region every day.

Пресс-служба УрГЭУ

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