Students from the Republic of Uzbekistan will master the educational programs of USUE Institute of Continuing Distance Education

 The director of the Institute for Continuing Distance Education of Ural State University of Economics, Yekaterina Yalunina, met with Professor Odiljon Mamatkarimov, rector of the Namangan Engineering and Technology Institute (Uzbekistan). The aim of the meeting was to admit students of this educational institution to Ural State University of Economics to master training programs 38.03.01 Accounting, Analysis and Audit (Economics) and 38.03.02 Small Business Administration (Management).

The director of the Institute for Continuing Distance Education of Ural State University of Economics, Yekaterina Yalunina, met with Professor Odiljon Mamatkarimov, rector of the Namangan Engineering and Technology Institute (Uzbekistan).

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